Laryssa, who I went to college with has decided to 'tag' me with one of these
blogosphere '
meme's. Here is her
post defining the rules.
Five things I was doing 10 years ago
1. getting used to having a second child. Courtney would have been 3 months old
2. getting used to having a toddler who asks 'why' all the time (Meghan would have been 3+)
3. experiencing our first spring break with kids (I think it was this time of year)
4. figuring out what to do with the mud pit that was my backyard (we moved in July 97 and nothing grew the first summer/fall)
5. working in an interesting job with engineers from many different cultures, learning how to navigate that
Five things on my 'honey do' - err - 'to do' list today
1. take Courtney to softball practice - done, but one one else showed up so we had the batting cages to ourselves for 30 minutes
2. mow the lawn - not done, rained too much yesterday and this morning
3. find where to put all the damn A/V cables in my office - partially done ;-)
4. led Deb take a nap - going on now
5. paint the trim - not going to happen this spring break. Decided to do some family stuff instead (post later)
Five snacks I enjoy
1. vanilla frosting straight from the can
2. Little Debbie
Nutty Bars3. apples
4. Little Debbie
Swiss Cake Rolls5. Beer and cake
Five things I would do if I were a
billionaire (who
says I'm not?)
1. Run a
nitro funny car for a season (or 10)
2. Build a
cobra kit car3. Definitely some charity donations and work. With unlimited funds volunteering could be fun
4. Visit the top 5 attractions in the top 100 cities in the world. Need to think about how to define 'top 100 cities'
5. Go to every Giants football game. Anywhere. (Did I mention they won the Super Bowl?)
Five of my bad habits
1. Curse a little bit (or a lot actually ...)
2. spend too much time on the computer
3. work too much
4. slightly impatient at times ;-)
5. I'm sure Deb or others can add to this ;-)
Five places I've lived
- See
hereFive jobs I've had
1. waiting tables at a family owned Italian restaurant - best food I've ever had. Learned there is more to Italian than Pizza and Chicken
parm2. Washing dishes/dietary aide in a nursing home - most fun I had at a job. Lots of other
teenagers worked there at the same time
3. software developer for factory automation and food safety systems - kind of sobering what goes on in the food supply chain, but also what steps are being taken to protect it
4. software developer for warehouse management system - first unfortunate introduction to politics
5. VP engineering and now
CTO for an
Internet software company - learned more about building
scalable systems then I could have expected.